Phase II - Call for Indigenous Artists - AdHum Pit Revitalization Project

University of Regina, Regina
Deadline: October 22, 2024 - October 30, 2024
Public Art Opportunity
The University is committed to building relationships based on respect, reciprocity, and reconciliation as its staff, faculty, students, work, learn and gather on this land. With respect to the spirit and the intent of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, the University invites professional Indigenous artists or Indigenous artist-led teams with connections to Treaty 4 First Nation(s) or with the Métis Settlements & Métis Nation Regions within Treaty 4 territory to submit an expression of interest to design a window mural for the Administration-Humanities (AdHum) Pit Revitalization Project. The University welcomes proposals that honour First Nations’, Inuit and Métis individuals or communities, languages, ways of knowing, and/or conveys the Indigenous experience in Canada. Artist teams are welcome to apply but must share the total commission.

Through this Indigenous Artist Call process, the University seeks to select and award a one (1) Indigenous artist or Indigenous artist-led teams and to establish terms and conditions that will govern the design of a large window art mural for the Administration-Humanities (AdHum) Pit Revitalization Project.

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