Artists in Schools offers schools a chance to enhance arts-related activities that are linked to educational outcomes through partnerships with professional artists. The aim of the program is to expand access to meaningful artistic activities, increase student engagement in learning, cultivate cross-disciplinary learning skills and attitudes, and foster a lifelong interest in the arts.
Artists in Schools - Development provides small amounts of funding to schools and/or professional artists or arts professionals to build relationships with potential partners, develop projects or residencies, and/or research school or community needs.
Artists in Schools - Projects funding assists schools to design an inquiry based project by contracting a professional Saskatchewan artist working in any art form to collaboratively engage in arts activities that are linked to educational outcomes in any curriculum K-12. Applications will be accepted in English and French.
Artists in Schools - Residencies funding assists schools to host an artist in residence project by contracting a professional Saskatchewan artist working in any art form to collaboratively engage in arts activities that are linked to educational outcomes.
Artists in Schools is a SK Arts program supported by funding from Sask Lotteries through the partnership between SK Arts and SaskCulture Inc. and from the Government of Saskatchewan through the Ministry of Education.