Webinar: Lifecycles Series: Strengthen Program & System Capacity
Five capacity-building components create opportunities for non-profit organizational growth at each stage of their development. For the most part, moving from one lifecycle phase to another requires mastery of the challenges attendant to each stage. Ideally, the goal at each lifecycle stage is to achieve balance and alignment among a nonprofit's programs, management, governance, and systems.
This interactive lunch and learn session will focus on diagnostic characteristics of the lifecycle stages, with a specific focus on practices to strengthen program and system capacity.
Location: Zoom Virtual Event The Zoom link will be sent out to registered participants before the event.
Presenter: Gwen Dueck Through her consulting services practice, Gwen Dueck applies her experience as an educator with the knowledge and skills gained through successful senior executive leadership roles to interactive and engaging processes for management and boards to improve organizational performance, board governance and management/administrative success. Gwen tailors her processes with boards and management to develop successful governance practices, organizational design, strategic thinking and planning, and policy and program development and renewal. She is a Lifecycle Capacity Consultant and holds a professional director designation with the Institute of Corporate Directors.