Design Council of Saskatchewan Executive Director

Design Council of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan
Deadline: February 03, 2024 - February 26, 2024

About the Opportunity

The Design Council of Saskatchewan (DCS) is seeking a motivated, self-starter to serve as our new Executive Director. Perks of the position include: the opportunity to advocate for great design in our province, to meet like-minded peers across different design disciplines, and last but not least, to help plan and execute some amazing events including SK Design Week, and the Premier’s Awards of Excellence in Design gala, the best party in town! We also offer a flexible working arrangement, with the ability to set your own hours and direct and lead this organization in new and exciting directions.

The successful candidate shall be responsible for: administration, including budgeting, fundraising and grant writing, maintenance of membership & fees, guidance (supervision) of sub-committees, marketing & communications strategy, financial administration, and other duties as required for Design Week 2025 and the 2025 Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Design program.

As an independent contractor, the Executive Director shall fulfill these duties with minimal supervision by the Council, with the nature of this relationship to be guided by a contract for professional services. Please refer to the attached Responsibility List for a detailed breakdown of the Executive Director tasks and your role. Leading up to Premier’s Design Awards and Design Week 2025 the Executive Director time expectations will increase. The successful candidate will be offered a contract for approximately 650 hours total over a two-year period (2024-2025), with the possibility of extension or renewal after that. It is expected that total hours in 2024 (a non-Design Week year) will be approximately 200 hours and the total hours for 2025 (a Design Week year) will be approximately 450 hours. Compensation is commensurate with experience and negotiations with the preferred candidate but is expected to be in the range of $34-38/hour.

About You

We would prefer someone with a design background (i.e. education and work experience in architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, planning or graphic design) and work or volunteer experience in the not-for-profit sector. However interested parties from a variety of backgrounds will be considered.

Ideally you are self-motivated and can work with minimal supervision, desire to work in an interdisciplinary environment, demonstrate understanding of DCS and its programs and activities. Related experience in: event planning, fundraising, sponsorship and grant writing, budgeting, volunteer recruitment, graphic design and social media and communications would be considered assets for the position. In addition if you have experience planning awards ceremonies we want to hear from you!

About the Design Council of Saskatchewan

Our Mandate:
“Design is all around us. From our homes to the buildings where we work, from product brochures to billboards, from public parks to roads and bridges, the world around us has been shaped and molded for both function and beauty. Much of what we see in the world has been created by applied design professionals.”

A volunteer organization formed in 1983, the Design Council of Saskatchewan is the collective voice of six provincial associations representing design professionals working in the disciplines of architecture, planning, engineering & geoscience, graphic design, interior design and landscape architecture.

It was established to celebrate and promote public awareness and understanding of professional design in Saskatchewan.

Hosting Saskatchewan Design Week is a major initiative of the Council. It is an open invitation to the public to learn about the different areas of design through a speaker series.

DCS also recognizes design excellence in Saskatchewan through programs such as the Premier's Awards of Excellence in Design. Held in conjunction with SK Design Week, a jury of design professionals reviews entries to the competition based on criteria specifically appropriate to each of seven categories. All entries are displayed to the public and a gala evening is held, where a professional designer from each association is presented with an award.

Application Instructions
Please apply with a resume and cover letter to:
Your cover letter and resume should contain:
A brief description of your knowledge and understanding of the organization.
A brief description of your approach to fulfilling the Executive Director’s roles as listed in the attached Responsibility List.
Your education, volunteer experience and interests as they relate to this opportunity and our ideal candidate profile (see “About You” section)

Samples of previous design work including graphic design and marketing materials are welcome as part of your application.

Applications will be accepted until 5 p.m. CST on Monday, February 26th, 2024. We thank everyone for their interest but only selected candidates will be contacted for an interview. If you have any questions about the proposal or the job description, please contact Renea Usipiuk at 306-491-4464 or


The Design Council of Saskatchewan


Council Administration:
Information Services Corporation Annual Corporate Renewal
Coordination and communication with various executive members and the Design Council of Saskatchewan including but not limited to:
Coordination with council executive regarding general on-going items, meeting schedules, minutes and agendas, committee progress, communications strategy, finances, including budget, financial statements and other related items
Coordinating and securing Directors and Officers insurance for DCS on an annual basis
Coordinate and manage all DCS files and information
Attend monthly board/committee meetings and report to the board
Manage DCS email account & website inquiries
Manage google drive and ensure access is up to date
Manage Volunteer Database

Membership Administration:
Coordinate communication and membership lists for associated professions;
Develop and maintain current contact list for DCS members and contacts for respective member associations
Communicate with DCS members and member associations regarding events, fees and participation
Develop and issue fee invoices to the member associations, in coordination with Treasurer, on a yearly basis

Council Leadership:
Review sub-committee structures based on goals of DCS for the current year
Coordinate committees for the Council to formalize volunteer involvement
Work with committees to ensure each is meeting their respective goals & objectives
Assist committees as required

Communications and Marketing Strategy:
Review DCS communications strategy
Coordinate overall media strategy, in cooperation with communications committee
Ensure social media content reflects mandate and values of the DCS
Ensure that each of the DCS social media platforms are actively managed by communications committee member and support as required
Create and distribute monthly DCS newsletter.

Budget and Finance:
Coordinate, maintain and manage yearly budgets in coordination with Treasurer
Report regularly to DCS in coordination with Treasurer
Coordinate year end statement filing and other required submissions with Treasurer;
Facilitate hiring of accountant as required
Record revenue & expenses on current operating ledger
File relevant financial records
Coordinate a biannual financial audit with Treasurer

Sponsorship Strategy:
Work with committee to review funding strategy
Coordinate and update sponsorship database
Review sponsorship letter templates
Review sponsorship levels and perks biannually; adjust based on current economic climate
Create sponsorship package
Coordinate sponsorship requests
Follow up requests and invoice confirmed sponsors
Manage sponsor recognition
Apply for grants

Design Week:
Coordinate directly with potential speakers including arranging transportation and accommodations (often donated) once DCS members have contacted and confirmed speakers
Coordinate with various DCS members to ensure speakers are hosted during their time in Saskatoon, including DCS members transporting to and from the airport and speaking events, hosting dinners with respective member groups, etc.
Coordinate and secure event insurance as required
Facilitate hiring of Event Planner for Design Week
Coordinate with Event Planner as primary point of contact between the DCS and Event Planner
Coordinate venues and/or digital streaming platforms
Coordinate with Events Committee regarding all Design Week details
Secure Master of Ceremonies and DJ
Coordinate with Events Committee to create Volunteer Schedule and ensure all events have sufficient representation
Create speaking notes for each event in coordination with Events Committee
Be available for general coordination throughout Design Week, attend various set-ups and events as required
Attendance at events includes overseeing volunteers for each event and filling in where required
Organize and manage the Premier’s Awards of Excellence in Design in coordination with awards committee
Attend Premier’s Design Awards judging session as required
Develop and oversee Awards Gala program