City of Regina Neil Balkwill Civic Arts Centre 2023 Artist in Residence

City of Regina, Regina
Deadline: May 11, 2023 - June 16, 2023
The City of Regina is requesting applicants for an artist in residency at the Neil Balkwill Civic Arts Centre.

This residency will help support the professional development of the artist. This opportunity seeks to engage artists interested in exploring and reflecting on the City of Regina’s diverse artistic and cultural past, present and collective future, fostering dialog across communities.

Project Information
• The artist may work in any medium (i.e. 2D, 3D, traditional arts, dance, music, spoken or written word, public art, installation, social practices, etc.).
• The artist will be required to dedicate a minimum of 20 hours per month (5 hours per week) over a three-month time frame (July 10th – October 13th 2023).
• The artist will facilitate one public engagement session which could include an opening event or showcase of the work in a publicly agreed upon location. This event would require 3 hours of the contracted time.
• The delivery deadline for this work is October 13, 2023. Installation: October/ November 2023
• The artist will receive an artist fee (contract payment) of $3000 total for the three-month period paid in three parts. The final payment will be released upon completion, public showcasing, and engagement of the work.
• The artist will be required to get insurance as part of the agreement, in which the City of Regina will reimburse up to $1000.00.
• The artist will also have the option of receiving up to an additional $1000 to cover materials needed to complete the work.
• This residency is to help facilitate the production of a body of work. Said body of work will have an opportunity to be submitted to the Cultural Development Department with the City of Regina to purchase and accession into the Civic Art Collection.
• A final documentation of the artistic work may be published on the City of Regina website and may appear in various social media platforms.
• Studio space can be made available if required by the artist.

Proposal Information
Interested applicants will submit one of the following:
1) Letter of intent – not exceeding a total of 1200 words – OR –
2) Video of intent – not exceeding a total of 15 minutes
Both forms of application should include the following information:
• A project description including how the proposed project would resonate with Regina’s Cultural Plan priorities of fostering dialog across communities to raise awareness of Regina’s rich and diverse past, present and collective future. See link to Regina Cultural Plan here: Regina Cultural Plan
• Artist biography including your connections and relationship to Regina and Treaty Four territory, past awards, accomplishments, and experiences.
In addition to the letter or video of intent, please also submit a projected budget, timeline, and Artist Curriculum Vitae (CV) including up to 6 images or samples of past works.

To ensure our public spaces, reflect the diversity of our community, and to encourage opportunities for those who may experience oppression and/or exclusion, please indicate if you belong to any equity seeking groups (Indigenous, ethnocultural minorities, 2SLGBTQ+, ability, etc.).

Application Submission
Deadline for proposal submission: June 16th, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. Late or incomplete submissions will not be accepted.

For more information on this project, please contact: Kelsey Ursu at 306.510.8041.