Everett Baker Award for Saskatchewan Heritage

Saskatchewan History and Folklore Society, Saskatchewan
Deadline: April 01, 2024 - May 17, 2024
Do you know a person or organization who has gone "above and beyond" for Saskatchewan's heritage?

This award is named for the SHFS’ first president, Everett Baker. Throughout his life, Everett Baker was a strong believer in the importance of understanding the past to build a better future, and as such, he worked tirelessly to preserve local history.

In that spirit, the Everett Baker Award for Saskatchewan Heritage recognizes individuals, groups or organizations who have gone “above and beyond” to preserve and promote heritage in Saskatchewan. The award also recognizes efforts to call public attention to aspects of little-known Saskatchewan history.

Any person, group or organization who has worked towards promoting and sharing heritage in Saskatchewan is eligible.

Yearly Deadline: April 30. *Extended for 2024 to May 17, 2024.
To nominate, visit: https://www.skhistory.ca/bakeraward