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By Applicant Type


Saskatchewan Band Association

Band Festival Funding

Operational Funding Arts

Operational funding to volunteer organiztions that operate provincial band festivals.

Saskatchewan Band Association

Community Band Funding

Operational Funding, Project Funding Arts

The Saskatchewan Band Association’s Community Band Funding provides financial assistance to Saskatchewan Community Bands.

City of Regina

Community Partner Grant

Operational Funding, Project Funding Arts, Cultural Industries, General Culture

Community Partner grants provide up to four years of core operation and core program funding to non-profit organizations that play a unique, strategic and essential role in the community.

Canada Council for the Arts

Engage and Sustain

Operational Funding Arts, Cultural Industries

Engage and Sustain fosters a vibrant foundation for the arts in Canada by supporting arts organizations at the heart of Canada’s creative communities.

This program funds organizations that are dedicated to developing excellence in arts practice, advancing the arts through programming, and exposing a diverse public to a range of artists and creative works.

The Canada Council for the Arts expects this program to achieve the following outcomes:

  • arts organizations offer high-quality programming and outreach activities featuring a diversity of genres and arts practices
  • arts organizations respond to change, are resources for their professional communities, and create conditions for sustained artistic development
  • arts organizations are relevant in their local communities

Canada Council for the Arts

Explore and Create

Operational Funding, Project Funding Arts, Cultural Industries

Explore and Create funds Canadian artists, artistic groups and organizations committed to the creation and dissemination of innovative, vibrant and diverse art.

This program advances Canadian artistic practices by encouraging artists to investigate creative processes and take risks that lead to the development of unique works destined to connect with the public.

Explore and Create supports the research, development, creation and production of work, as well as professional development for artists.

The Canada Council for the Arts expects this program to achieve the following outcomes:

  • artists develop their skills and enrich their knowledge
  • artists have the resources and opportunities to explore, take artistic risks, and advance their practice
  • artists create works in a variety of genres and forms
  • artists share work  in a manner consistent with their artistic vision and intentions
  • new artistic voices emerge

Canada Post Community Foundation

Indigenous Truth and Reconciliation Signature Grant

Project/Initiative, Operational Funding, Project Funding First Nation and Métis Specific, First Nations , Indigenous, Métis, Truth and Reconciliation

Canada Post is committed to the principles of truth and reconciliation. We believe that along with all Canadians we have a duty to acknowledge the experiences of Indigenous peoples and to move forward, together, in a spirit of healing. One way we are doing this is through our Community Foundation.

The mission of the Canada Post Community Foundation is to make a positive impact in the lives of children and youth in the communities that Canada Post serves. It is rooted in the idea that a strong community connection helps develop happy, healthy and resilient children.

A registered not-for-profit foundation, operated at arm’s length from Canada Post, the Community Foundation provides more than $1 million in grants each year to Canadian schools, charities and community organizations that support children and youth (up to age 21). Of the funds raised, 100% go to the grant recipients to aid their efforts.

This year, we are launching the Indigenous Truth and Reconciliation Signature Grant to support the nationwide effort to walk the path of healing.


Multicultural Initiatives Fund – Annual Funding

Operational Funding Multiculturalism

Multicultural Initiatives Fund (MIF) – Annual Funding provides operational funding to community-based ethno-cultural, multicultural, First Nations and Métis organizations reaching Indigenous peoples, youth, northern and/or rural communities to advance cross-cultural understanding and support work that aligns with the principles of Truth and Reconciliation in Saskatchewan. MIF supports organizations that encourage people to share, learn, appreciate and respect cultural diversity.


Museum Grant Program

Operational Funding Heritage

The Museum Grant Program (MGP) provides operational funding to help foster strong, vibrant, community-based Saskatchewan museums that are valued and supported by society. This funding enables museums to focus on excellence in their programs and operations and to contribute to the understanding of the world and our place in it - our past, our present, and our future. There are three tiers of funding available, depending on the size of the museum.

SK Arts

Professional Arts Organizations Program

Operational Funding Arts

The program provides support to professional arts organizations and groups is directed through the Professional Arts Organizations Program. This program contributes to an eligible organization's and group's arts programs and services, governance, management, administration and operational functions and provides multi-year support.

Gallery and media arts grants under the Professional Arts Organizations Program are supported by funding from Sask Lotteries through the partnership between SK Arts and SaskCulture Inc.

Saskatchewan Band Association

Provincial Member Funding

Operational Funding Arts

Provides financial assistance to support operations to Saskatchewan Band Association members.

Saskatchewan Orchestral Association

SOA Operating Grant

Operational Funding Arts

Provides funding for operating budgets of member orchestras.

Canada Council for the Arts

Supporting Artistic Practice

Operational Funding, Project Funding Arts, Cultural Industries

Building a connected and supportive art sector

Supporting Artistic Practice encourages a dynamic support system for the arts in Canada by funding Canadian arts professionals, groups, and arts organizations who champion the Canadian arts sector, boost the capacity for artists to realize work and advance the conditions of creation.

Supporting Artistic Practice contributes to the growing network of resources available to strengthen the arts and inspires sector innovation by supporting collaboration, targeted initiatives and career development opportunities for Canadian arts professionals.

The Canada Council for the Arts expects this program to achieve the following outcomes:

  • artistic practice is supported through a sustained and interconnected arts infrastructure
  • artists and arts professionals benefit from activities that advance learning and strengthen networks
  • arts organizations and specialists assist artists in developing and producing work, as well as reaching a public

South Saskatchewan Community Foundation

The Lorne and Evelyn Johnson Foundation

Operational Funding, Project Funding Arts, General Culture

Background and Purpose

Grants are made to promote social, cultural, religious, and other activities deemed beneficial to communities in southern Saskatchewan with priority given to the City of Regina. Grants often focus on supporting outreach to those in need, providing educational opportunities, and supporting the arts. For a better understanding the purpose of the grant program, please read the below description of the Johnsons and the Regina Spirit.

Guidelines and Criteria

  1. Grants are made to Canadian registered charities. A non-charitable receipt is required. If not registered, a formal partner with charitable status is required and a formal agreement with the partner included as part of a complete application.
  2. Priority is given to projects that are innovative or show collaboration across multiple organizations.
  3. Grant requests may include program-based funding, capital or equipment funding or operating funding.
  4. Requests are not normally considered on a continuing or multi-year basis.
  5. Grants are not normally made to charities which operate primarily as grant-making organizations.

Types of Grants

For a Capital Grant ensure your application includes:

  • Details of cost of building or facilities to be provided, how estimated, whether land costs, etc. included, and details of any existing indebtedness.

For a Major Equipment Grant ensure your application narrative includes:

  • A description of equipment for which the grant would be applied.
  • Cost and a description of how it was determined. Attach quotes, if available.
  • Will the equipment necessitate the appointment of additional personnel, space or structural changes? If so, give details and how the increased costs are to be financed.

For a Special Grant ensure your application narrative includes:

  • A complete description of the activity or service is to be provided.
  • The project cost for the period to be covered. Please attach a budget.

The typical grant range is from $5,000 to $15,000.

If you are considering a larger request, we urge you to contact us to discuss:
(306) 751-4756

How to Apply 

The Lorne and Evelyn Johnson Foundation (LEJF) grant process is administered in conjunction with the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation (SSCF).

Submissions are to be made to SSCF by using our new Online Grant Portal:

  • Create a login profile with your contact information and that of your organization
  • Download and complete the required Grant Budget Form so that you are prepared to upload it as part of your complete application
  • Have ready your Financial Statements and Annual Report to upload as part of a complete application; and
  • Have ready any other pertinent materials, in electronic form, that you wish to upload as part of your application

Complete applications must be received on or before March 1st or September 1st (11:45pm).

You will receive a confirmation email immediately upon submission of your grant application. If you do not, please call 306-584-0944 or email

Applications will be reviewed and a short list for further consideration will be created. If your application is short-listed you may be contacted and asked to provide additional information.