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In this image is a painting of a brown toad, with a venus flytrap plant growing out of its back. In the background is a faint circle, resembling a sun or halo.
2024 Sep 04
2024 Sep 29
Art Gallery of Regina 2420 Elphinstone Street Regina SK S4T 7S7 Treaty 4 Territory Map
Cost: Free
  In Person
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Art Exhibition Arts: Visual

Marla Childs, Private Mythology

On now in the Outside the Box Hallway Gallery, Marla Childs' "Private Mythology! Come and explore Marla's surreal and dreamy works, which are all for sale both in-person and on our website now!
2024 Sep 04
2024 Sep 29
Art Gallery of Regina 2420 Elphinstone Street Regina SK S4T 7S7 Map
Cost: Free


Art Gallery of Regina Madeleine Greenway (306) 522 5049   Website


  • Wheelchair Accessible
  • Deaf / Hard of Hearing
  • Safe and Inclusive Space